Why You Should Opt For Double Glazed Windows

double glazed windows

Double glazed windows use two or more glass window panes separated by a space. The insulating properties of this type of glass help reduce the heat transfer across the building envelope. While this process does not guarantee that double glazing will not increase your energy bills, it can still reduce the overall costs. However, the primary benefit of these windows is their higher security. Here are some reasons why you should opt for double glazed windows. Once you are convinced of the benefits of these windows, consider the installation process.

Double glazed windows prevent drafts and unwanted heat in the winter. They also offer improved security. The gas used to produce double glazing is more expensive than air, but it is worth the cost to get the added protection. Triple paned windows use argon, krypton or xenon as an additional barrier. While krypton is the most expensive gas used in these windows, argon is widely available and cheap. These gas-filled windows can increase the thermal insulation efficiency of the building.

Other advantages of double-glazed windows include sound reduction and reduced noise. Double-glazed windows can reduce noise by up to 35 decibels! Because single-pane windows tend to rattle in windy conditions, they can affect the concentration of home workers. Aside from noise reduction, double-glazed windows also make a home more secure. Moreover, these windows will add more curb appeal to your home. Moreover, double-glazed windows reduce the possibility of condensation and mould buildup.

Double-glazed windows improve energy efficiency. The insulating properties of the windows are increased due to the presence of a thermal break. The thermal break is a plastic or non-metallic layer that separates the interior and exterior. Heat transfer can occur through contact, convection or high-frequency waves. This thermal barrier makes it possible for your home to remain warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. It is also possible to choose from several styles of double-glazed windows, which can increase the comfort level of your home.

Double glazed windows are better at maintaining a comfortable temperature than single-pane ones. This is especially beneficial to households with central climate control and air conditioners. This is because a split type air conditioner/heat pump can lose warmth while working overtime to maintain the temperature in your home. Double-glazed windows reduce heat loss by up to 50%. If you combine double-glazed windows with insulated curtains, you’ll be saving money on your electricity bill!

In addition to reducing energy bills, double-glazed windows are also good at insulating your home. The sealed air gap between the panes acts as an extra layer of insulation. It reduces heat loss during cold months and prevents unwanted warmth from entering your home. Double-glazed windows also improve safety and security. Security glass is more difficult to break into compared to ordinary windows. Moreover, double-glazed windows reduce your carbon footprint.

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